Office Safety & Scheduling Procedures Update
IMPORTANT: Effective immediately, our email address is updated to due to a change in service provider. Please make a note of the change and start using this email address right away.
If you check off several items, a comprehensive eye exam is recommended.
Do you observe the following behavior(s) in yourself or your child?
While reading or doing close work, do you notice any of the following in yourself or your child?
Do you or your child frequently complain of:
If you checked off several items on the Checklist above, you should consider a comprehensive vision examination.
A detailed checklist for parents of Preschoolers children. What are the normal stages and ages for visual development? Is your child's vision developing normally?
A short checklist for parents with information on LDs and vision from the American Optometric Association.
A vision screening quiz for parents and teachers. This multiple choice quiz gives a numerical score with recommendations.